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The Pandemic of Tyranny

Our freedom is under an all out assault right now. Governments and central banks around the world have preyed upon mass hysteria and fear over an alleged coronavirus pandemic to usurp despicable amounts of power and control over us.

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Warning: The Bubble Is About to Pop

When it does, who’s going to get the blame and why? A false narrative is already emerging.

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No, Donald Trump Is Not Against the Federal Reserve

Many people hoped that Donald Trump would oppose the Federal Reserve with his presidency, but that hope should be gone by now.

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Federal Reserve: Enemy of Savers, Savior of Debtors

The lives of financially prudent and responsible people have been postponed, complicated, or entirely ruined by the Federal Reserve and its despicable monetary policy.

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End the Fed for the Right Reasons

There are some people that want to end the Federal Reserve for all the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, their flawed thinking has led them to advocate misguided “solutions” that are harmful. Here are five wrong reasons to oppose the Federal Reserve:

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Bubbles, Bubbles, Everywhere

Not a damn thing has been fixed since the 2008 financial crisis. Everything that caused it has been repeated, except this time it’s even worse. There’s even more debt, even bigger “too-big-to-fail” banks, even stupider speculation and mal-investment, and worst of all, even more blind faith belief in the omnipotence of con-artist central bankers.

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The Federal Reserve Caused the Next Financial Bust

The economy and financial markets are on the verge of busting.  Who will get the blame when they do?  The mainstream media, central banks, and governments will do whatever it takes to convince you that it’s the fault of some random unforeseeable event.  They will never tell you the truth: the bust was caused by the Federal Reserve.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Understanding The Fraud of Fiat Currency & Central Banking

What is money? Where does it come from? Why are people currently exchanging pieces of paper for goods and services? Why is this paper in demand? These are crucial questions you might not have asked yourself, but their answers have a major impact on your life. Money, markets, and economics are portrayed as subjects too complicated for the average person to understand. This notion isn’t true, but it does serve the interests of those in positions of power.

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